A Youth Mental Health and Well-being Campaign

Using storytelling and creativity to raise awareness, reduce stigma, promote self-care and connect with others.

Learn how to participate

#CreateConnectCare is a year-long effort to empower youth ages 11 - 18 to share their stories, build empathy, and spark change through creative action. Learn more here.
Accepting submissions: March 14 – June 3, 2024
Join the movement this Spring!


Choose Your Voice: Writing, Music, Art, Film, and more - Show Your Story


Make a Difference: Raise Awareness, Challenge Stigma, Promote Self-Care, Connect


Upload & Share: #CreateConnectCare by June 3rd

How To Participate

Recognition and Awards

Awards will be given in the age categories of (11-13), (14-16) and (17-18). The mediums include Literary Arts, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Media Arts, and STEM.

Creative Changemaker Award - $500 recognition for outstanding creative expression for one youth in each age group for three (3) awards.

Visionary Spark Award - $250 recognition for one outstanding submission in each age group per medium area for 15 awards.

Imagination Catalyst Award - $150 recognition for one inspiring submission in each age category per medium area for 15 awards.   

For Educators

Champion Awards of $500 will be given to three (3) educators, one in each age category.

Selected creative submissions will be posted in the #CreateConnectCare gallery.

The first 500 submissions will receive beautiful Moleskine Creativity Journals.

A digital #CreateConnectCare Certificate of Participation will be given to all youth who submit an entry.


Learn more here.

Young changemaker Wesley was inspired by his love of film and his mental health journey to change the narrative surrounding mental health. His work inspires others to rise up from their own circumstances to find a place of peace.

In this video, youth creative changemaker Bryce explores the hidden world of social anxiety. He sheds light on how it manifests internally, often goes unnoticed by others, and can be misunderstood. 

For a richer understanding, consider the discussion questions at the end with the assistance of a trusted and qualified mental health professional.

Get Inspired!

Program Sponsors

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