Take Creative Action!

Your creative expression starts the movement! Sharing it with #CreateConnectCare is the first step. Now, let's keep it going! 

Create more, connect with others, and show you care. Together, we can break down stigma and build a world where everyone feels supported.

Suggested actions that can make a difference:


  • Create more: Continue to use creativity to express your own experiences with mental health and inspire others.

  • Share personal stories: Speak publicly about your mental health journey (if comfortable) to break down stigma.

  • Develop mental health resources: Research and compile a list of them and share it with your school and community.


  • Start conversations: Talk openly with friends and family about mental health, reducing stigma and encouraging help-seeking behavior.

  • Social media campaigns: Use platforms like TikTok or Instagram to share positive messages and educational content about mental health and well-being. 

  • Organize events: Host school assemblies, movie nights with mental health themes, or art projects to raise awareness.


  • Start or Join a Mental Health Club: Start or join a group at school where teens can connect and share experiences in a safe space. 

  • Volunteer at crisis hotlines: Train to provide support and resources to others struggling with mental health challenges.

  • Write letters to representatives: Advocate for increased mental health resources in schools or increased access to mental health professionals.

  • Promote healthy habits: Advocate for healthy lifestyles and resources that promote healthy sleep, exercise, and stress management.

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